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  - Another glory of Neapolitan cuisine is eggplant parmigiana. A few, simple flavors that complement each other and there you have it, a delicious, tasty appetizing dish that is perfect for the summer

With this idea the writer and a great expert in Neapolitan cuisine, Jeanne Carola Francesconi, introduces the recipe for eggplant parmigiana.
The origin of this dish is found in the work of Ippolito Cavalcanti in 1839 and is distinguished as eggplant parmagiana, which is a rich dish with origins in Calabria.
There are various interpretations of the etymology of the name parmigiana. Some say that the term comes from the way of arranging the vegetables, like the steps of a shutter.
Others, more simply, give the name to the use of parmagiana cheese in the recipe. So, etymology aside, the eggplant parmigiana is one of the main dishes of the summer, because in it all the ingredients come together harmoniously, matured in the July and August sun, such as eggplant, tomatoes, and basil, complemented by the presence of mozzarella and parmigiano cheese.
In Neapolitan cuisine, eggplant parmigiana is a typical dish for lunch in August, but now, thanks to the possibility of growing eggplant in the winter, it is often on the Christmas menu.
We at Cavolo Verde love to respect the seasonal nature of products so we recommend the creation of this dish during this period in which eggplants ripen naturally.
The eggplants which are cultivated in Campania are the Cima Di Viola and the Violetta Di Napoli, local ecotypes from Acerra-Nola and Sarno-Nocera, indigenous products that grant an abundant harvest between June and October, the months in which marinated eggplant is produced as well.
To prepare eggplant parmigiana for four / five people, it takes on average 1 kg of eggplants, about 700 grams of mozzarella(fior di latte), about 700 grams of tomato sauce (made with fresh or canned tomatoes), parmigiano cheese, basil, extra virgin olive oil , garlic, salt, and oil for frying.
First peel the eggplant (I leave the peel on) and slice it lengthwise, arrange them on a shelf, add salt and set aside so that it loses some of its water. Meanwhile prepare the sauce with olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, basil and salt.
Fill a pan with hot oil, gently squeeze the eggplant and fry a little at a time. Drain on absorbent paper. Slice the mozzarella. In a rectangular pan, start layering with a little sauce on the bottom, then place a layer of eggplant side by side. Proceed with a layer of mozzarella, a little tomato sauce and parmigiano, then again with the eggplant, and so on, until you have used all the ingredients. Finish with eggplant, tomato sauce and an abundant amount of parmigiano cheese. Place in a hot oven at 200 ° C for about 15/20 minutes. Garnish with basil and serve warm or cold. It is a main course, so the only possible accompaniment is bread.


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La cucina napoletana affonda le sue radici nel periodo greco-romano, infatti a testimonianza di ciò ci sono numerosi reperti archeologici, come affreschi e testi, dai quali si evince che molti gusti dell'epoca si ritrovano in tanti piatti della cucina tradizionale, anche se un definitivo consolidamento di ricette e piatti tipici, si ha nel 1800 quando i Borboni regnanti a Napoli accostano la cucina francese a quella napoletana, creando capolavori di gusto e sapore che sono ormai alla base della cucina partenopea. E' proprio in quel periodo che viene pubblicato il più importante trattato della storia della cucina napoletana, ad opera di Ippolito Cavalcanti: "CUCINA TEORICO PRATICA", con l'appendice "CUSINA CASARINOLA CO LA LENGUA NAPOLITANA", in cui presenta ricette provenienti da vari ceti sociali. Da questo testo e da una lunga ed accurata ricerca storico-culturale, la scrittrice Jeanne Caròla Francesconi ne ha tratto tante ricette autentiche (da le

CIAMBELLONE ALLO YOGURT....dalle ricette paneangeli

4 uova (io ne ho messe 3 e ho aggiunto più yogurt), 250 gr di zucchero, 150 ml di olio di girasole, 1 fiala aroma limone, 250 ml di yogurt bianco (io ne ho messo 350 ml.), 300 gr di farina, 100 gr di frumina. 1 bustina di lievito paneangeli. In una terrina montare bene uova e zucchero, unire poi l'aroma, lo yogurt, l'olio e per ultimi la farina ed il lievito setacciati. Riempire uno stampo da ciambella da 24 cm e far cuocere a 190° per 50 minuti circa.